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Your Valley Is Your GIft

In the poem Invictus by William Ernest Henley, he refers to his soul as "unconquerable". He speaks of a head that is bloody but unbowed despite the fell clutch of circumstances. It is from this perspective that fearlessness is born. Where the idea that we become great because of our circumstances, not despite them exists.

In our unconquerable souls.

Meet our Team

Founder - Kimmah Shah

Between 1999 and 2012, I experienced more loss than anyone should have to endure. It seemed that as soon as I recovered from one tragedy, another tragedy would knock me back into the pit of despair I’d barely managed to escape. One day as I was drowning in heartache, disappointment and sorrow God spoke to me and breathed life into me with five simple words – “Your Valley is Your Gift”. In that moment, my life changed.



I soon discovered that my experiences were meant to heal others the way God was healing me. I began writing and documenting how I was healing and thriving despite my tragedies; shocking even myself with the level of transparency and vulnerability I found myself demonstrating. People began sharing how my personal journey had helped them survive their own tragedies as well encourage them in their own lives. My calling, to inspire others to live fearlessly and fiercely in the face of life’s obstacles, was revealed and Purposely Fearless was born.

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